The laparoscopic approach has the following advantages:

Improved cosmesis, less pain after surgery, a shorter hospital stay, and a quicker return to work. WHO SHOULD BE CONSIDERED FOR LAPAROSCOPIC OBESITY SURGERY?

The National Institute of Health established the following criteria for selecting patients for  Laparoscopic surgeries in Dubai

Patients should be 100 percent above their ideal body weight, or about 100 pounds (45.5 kilograms).

There shouldn't be any known metabolic or endocrine (hormonal) causes for the severe obesity in the patients.

Patients should have a physical, mental, social, or financial objectively measurable problem that might benefit from losing weight. This includes, but is not limited to, hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes (an excessive amount of sugar in the blood), heart disease, breathing or lung disease, sleep apnea (snoring), and arthritis.

The proposed surgical procedure, including any potential risks or complications, should be fully understood by the patient.

The patient needs to be willing to be watched and followed by a doctor for a long time.

The patient ought to have tried medical treatment to lose weight without success.

A patient who is not quite 100 pounds or 100 percent above the ideal body weight may be a good candidate for surgery. There should be significant medical issues in this patient that could be improved by losing weight.

What preparations are necessary?

a comprehensive medical examination by your doctor to see if you are a good candidate for laparoscopic obesity surgery.

A nutritional assessment might be one of the additional diagnostic tests that are required.

The patient's capacity to adjust to changes following the operation may necessitate a psychiatric or psychological evaluation.

Depending on your particular medical condition, you might need to talk to specialists like a cardiologist, pulmonologist, or endocrinologist.

A written consent for surgery will be required after the surgeon reviews the potential risks and benefits of the operation. Continued participation in the Obesity Support Group is encouraged.

You will begin a liquid-only diet the day before surgery.

Depending on your condition, a blood transfusion or blood products like platelets may be required.

Prior to surgery, your surgeon may ask you to completely empty your colon and cleanse your intestines.

Showering should be done the night before or the morning of the procedure.

You should avoid eating or drinking anything after midnight the night before the surgery, with the exception of any medications that your surgeon has instructed you to take with a glass of water the morning of the procedure.

Prior to surgery, you will need to temporarily stop taking aspirin, blood thinners, arthritis medications, anti-inflammatory medications, and vitamin E.

Diet prescription or St. John's Wort ought not be utilized for the fourteen days preceding a medical procedure.

Stop smoking and arrange for any home assistance you may require.

How is Laparoscopic surgeries carried out?

Through cannulas, which are instruments that are narrow and resemble tubes, surgeons enter the abdomen through small incisions that range from 1/4 to 1/2 inch. The tiny cannula is used to insert the laparoscope, which is connected to a tiny video camera. The surgeon is given a magnified view of the stomach and other internal organs by projecting a picture onto a television. The operation is carried out with the help of specialized instruments through five to six small incisions and cannulas.

After using carbon dioxide (CO2) gas to expand the abdomen, the entire procedure is carried out inside the abdomen. At the end of the operation, the gas is removed.


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